Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Have you seen a pink elephant with painted toenails tonight?

It's running around sticking it's trunk up people's shorts!!!Have you seen a pink elephant with painted toenails tonight?
no but i bet its in skinhead charlie's poopyholeHave you seen a pink elephant with painted toenails tonight?
Yeah, thats George's cousin....She'll get him in check eventually.
I didn't mean to let it get away!
no, but i'll be on the look out for it
i heard it had diarrhea too and it's all over town
Could you please send him home...he keeps running off..bad little elephant...
not yet---

but i'm getting there
Not tonight!!
yeah... saw him... I even spoke to him... he told me he was going to see his good friend... the pink panther!

Sadly, he gave me a treat, though! ;)
he was here last night

i told him to go visit you
yes, he had a stylish French manicure
golly. what a RUDE elephant!
I thought I was the only one that saw that, maybe I'm not crazy after all!
i am so sorry about that. i tried to get him to come back in the house after going out but he just wouldn't listen!
Yes and oddly enough its toenails were painted grey...

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