Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ingrown toenails..... arn't they the most anyoying things ever?

who else agrees with me, i've had them before, had operation, then got again another operation, now her i am having them yet again.

by the way each toe has around 2-6 injections, before anyone says oh yeah just have another operation.Ingrown toenails..... arn't they the most anyoying things ever?
i too suffer from ingrown toenails and have been to get them cut out quite a few times, until last month. I told my Dr. that i was getting them alot, and he sent me to a minor surgery, where they cut down, and remove where the ingrown toenails grow from, remove it from the root and put a chemical on the nail bed to stop that part of the nail growing back.

So, all I can say is tell your doctor, and they should refer you to someone like me.Ingrown toenails..... arn't they the most anyoying things ever?
After dropping a bed on my foot (best not to ask)! I damaged two toenails and since then they are crooked and inclined to grow into the skin.

I hate hospitals and have 'preformed' surgery on myself. I agree ingrown toenails are really evil!
They're annoying and can hurt like heck

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